a song for heavy parenting, my tween blew my mind, & what I'm currently reading
Fantastic Friday
There is a lot I didn’t get done this week, but what I do have to show for my work is my children. Sometimes they’re annoyed that we make them wear a helmet and let them live their childhood without smartphones. Other times they’re blowing my mind with the thoughtful, beautiful things they say.
The cool karaoke song I originally began the week with fled my thoughts because it wasn’t standing up to the mental heat of this week’s parenting work. But another song drizzled in like a whisper until the lyrics altogether drenched my frustrations, refreshing my resolve.
“I Get to Be the One” by J.J. Heller
When I’m in the thick of the less-darling parenting moments, “I Get to Be the One” is a tender reminder that this whole parenting thing is an absolute honor.
For all of the wild and weary parenting moments I’m learning through, I often need the reminder that I get to be the one to do the hard things as these girls’ mom.
I get to be the one.
Even with managing all of the interruptions from the time I sat down to write this post today: I got to be the one to do it. And I get to try to do it without grumbling over the distractions and to consider my daughters’ legitimate needs more important than my desires. (I will keep on copying Philippians 2, because Lord, please give me humility here.) Because it’s worth it.
The other night, I was scraping the bottom of the barrel for energy when my girls invited me to join them on the couch to hang out. I listened to them talk and tried not to worry about the laundry, grocery list, and other un-done tasks. Then, while telling a story, my eldest paused and looked at me to say:
“I’m glad you and I have the kind of relationship where I can tell you anything. I know girls who don’t have that with their moms. So I’m just grateful.”
My eyes watered as she smiled at me. Thank God she’s not growing out of those darling dimples. I quickly realized I should play it cool and not cry like a baby to make her second-guess telling me all the things. I managed to squeak out in a chill tone,"Wow, thank you. That truly means the world to me.”
What an indescribable honor that I get to be the one this pre-teen girl confides in.
It was a hard work week, but it’s worth being tired and writing past all of our bedtimes as I get to reflect on just one of many moments of grace.
What moments of grace are you looking back on this week?
What song are you belting out as you head into the weekend?
What are you reading this weekend?
One of my current reads: Down Cut Shin Creek by Kathi Appelt and Jeanne Cannella Schmitzer | Reading Roundup coming soon on all things packhorse librarians because it’s the history rabbit hole I’ve been in since November
A book I’m listening to: 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You by Tony Reinke | Almost done and highly recommend
An easy history book the kids and I have enjoyed: The Story of Clocks and Calendars by Betsy Maestro | Do you know the name of the calendar we use in America?
& Music I’ll be writing to this weekend: Jose Gonzalez because I need the chill
Tell me your currents and your karaoke song!
I am definitely interested in 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You!